
And on the third day Alice cleaned the kitchen 🍴.  And Tom was pleased.My main event of the day was roller blading.  Yes, I own roller blades, although I've hardly ever used them, but they are so fun and now I live near Wandsworth Common there are so many roller blading opportunities.  So I donned my wrist guards and knee pads and went for a spin πŸš™.  Turns out the common is on a slight incline 🎒, and I was laughed at a lot by a group of builders on my way, but no matter.  I got into my stride and sailed past the yummy mummies - they always congregate for a gossip next to the bridge over the rail way line πŸš‚ - today they were clad in long puffa coats, pom pom beanies and had two very patient westies and a dachshund in tow 🐢🐢🐢.  I made my way around the common, narrowly avoiding killing a very small labradoodle 🐩 that got in my path, and made it home in one piece.  It was great fun, and tomorrow I am going to do more roller blading.  My flatmate Tom has suggested I learn the routine from Starlight Express... I mean, I probably won't..... πŸ’ƒπŸ’«.  (I also made a short roller blading video, which I haven't worked out how to post yet.... but I shall work it out πŸ‘)I also met up with Peter.  Peter is an incredibly wise person not least because he suggested having a bottle of red wine 🍷🍷 at 3.30pm in the afternoon on a dreary miserable day, but also because one of his favourite films is Monty Python's 'Life of Brian' particularly this part.  We wandered across Clapham Common 🌳 and sat in the window of Gastro, drinking some vin rouge, and I ate some brie, whilst interrogating Peter about his general day to day existence.  Peter is a musician 🎢 and writer πŸ“– (sometimes writer and musician), has a David Bowie ⚑️ look about him and told me all about his music creation process, the short stories he has written and his new tattoo ❀️.  I enjoyed our conversation a lot, so have decided to write more about Peter and his flourishing non-conventional career tomorrow ✏️.Alice xxxIMG_0703IMG_0706DSCN1493DSCN1497  

On the Fourth Day...

Days 1 and 2 - the Adventure Begins

Days 1 and 2 - the Adventure Begins