
So far lots of exciting things have happened this week πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š!  I went to work πŸ’» on Monday - hurrah!  This was good, I was helping to set up for a sample sale πŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ‘ πŸ‘™, and it was great to get out of  πŸš΄ the house 🏠 and be useful and catch up with some people πŸ˜ƒ.I had lunch at Coffee Affair β˜•οΈ in Queenstown Road πŸ‘Έ station πŸš‚ which is splendid.  I really quite like this little coffee shop β˜•οΈπŸͺ, and the couple who run it are so lovely.  I hadn't been in almost a year, and was so pleased that they are very much still there.  They sell all sorts of things, sandwiches πŸ”, cakes πŸŽ‚ and soup 🍡and most importantly coffee β˜•οΈ.  They are very good 😊 at coffee - They even do coffee classes β˜•οΈπŸŽ“!I had some delicious Italian meatball soup 🍝 and a flat white to take away β˜•οΈ.Today I took a trip to Wimbledon 🎾 which is not so far away - and took a cycle path 🚴 that was very rural πŸŒ³πŸŒΏπŸƒ.  Max is convinced Wandsworth is the countryside 🌳 (he took a photo of a duck πŸ₯ on the common the other day...) but, I have to say - the cycle 🚴 to Wimbledon 🎾 really did make me feel like I was in the countryside πŸƒπŸŒΏ - Citymapper πŸ“‰ took me through a thoroughly un-city route.  It was a beautiful day β˜€οΈ - but I made the mistake again of inappropriate footwear πŸ‘ ... they are so beautiful πŸ’• though - some lovely gold loafers...  (I was in Wimbledon for an interview which was very exciting!)I met Chesca back in Wandsworth and we headed to Flotsam and Jetsam πŸš£ again (you can have breakfast 🍨until 3pm in the afternoon - I can't get enough of the place!).  I ate eggs florentine 🍳🌿 and she had blueberry πŸ‡ and lemon πŸ‹cake 🍰 - it was very good.There has been a demand for more baking πŸ™‡πŸŽ‚ - so this afternoon I made chocolate biscuit 🍫🍰 cake with cherries and white chocolate chunks - I have never seen Tom so happy when he discovered this (apart from maybe when Arsenal ⚽️ are winning, but even then you know, I'm not sure - the happiness was really quite Great πŸ˜ƒ - in the large sense, not the 'thumbs up' sense, this is important).  I used this recipe but added white chocolate and removed the nuts.  I have even offered to cook dinner 🍝this evening - I am not sure quite what is happening - we are having this......Alice xxxIMG_1492IMG_1489IMG_1490IMG_1519IMG_1497IMG_1502IMG_1511IMG_1512IMG_1515   

A Day in the Real Countryside and a Trip to Selfridges

A Day in the Real Countryside and a Trip to Selfridges

28 and Unemployed