So I have spent a lot of time this week with my housemates which has been nice - Max, Chatty, Tom, Bumble π§π©π¦π¦π° and I have all spent the evenings together.On Monday, Max had a cooking lesson π from Chatty - Chilli con Carne with sweet potatoes and guacamole - it was excellent, well done both. And we drank some beers from Adnams π» I had brought back from Aldeburgh a while ago.On Tuesday we did the Euro Millions π΅ (38 Million!!!)- Tom, Max and I shared and Chatty did her own. We couldn't decide who would be more disappointed - but at least Chatty did say she would buy a new sofa for the house if she won. We almost agreed we would buy the house if we won, and we would certainly buy Bumble a more superior hutch. (Sadly none of us won...).On Wednesday we discovered we most likely have a mouse π.... if anyone (except David) has any good mouse getting rid of tactics that aren't too barbaric we'd love to know.And yesterday we had almost all our siblings round for dinner, which was riotous and silly and very very fun. Chatty and Susannah cooked, and Susannah made a mint chocolate biscuit cake which went down a treat πΏπ«. Very sadly Polly wasn't able to make, but we shall be having another!Alice xxx