
London Print Design Fair

Last week I went to the London Print Design Fair πŸŽ¨with Potterton Books πŸ“šwho were exhibiting.  This was rather a fun affair.  The idea behind it is, if you are designing or product developing clothing or accessories πŸ‘ πŸ‘—, you either need inspiration for your next collection, or you need to purchase prints to use.  So people such a Topshop πŸ‘ and Next πŸ‘—and M & S πŸ‘˜ potter along and browse the prints - you can either buy them exclusively, and no one else can use that print - it is yours, but it's pricey πŸ’°, or you buy a print design and hope your competitor πŸ™ doesn't have the same idea.We were rather different - Potterton Books πŸ“š bring along many 1940s πŸ’ƒ hand painted prints, and original fabrics - you can buy the originals, and you can even buy a whole fabric book πŸ““.  We also reproduce them in booklets πŸ“˜πŸ“—, so you can buy a booklet full of prints, but there is the risk that someones else might be using the same idea.  We suggest you don't reproduce the print exactly - copyright can be difficult, but there is nothing to stop you changing the coloursπŸ’›πŸ’™, or the design very slightly and using it as your own.Most other people exhibiting produce their own 'exclusive prints' for you to buy and use in your next collection.It was truly fascinating - NO PHOTOS ALLOWED πŸ“·βŒ - everyone was quite tetchy πŸ™….  I did catch a lady surreptitiously photographing some of our prints and she scarpered pretty quickly πŸ™†.  And designers and buyers are sneaky - they call up and say - 'the print we were looking at earlier, my boss wants to see it, could you send a photo?' πŸ’ Well, not really, because then you have the image without having purchased it.... iPhones πŸ“±and digital cameras πŸ“·do make it trickier.There were all sorts there - designers πŸ‘¦, students πŸ‘§, buyers πŸ‘©, and we had a lovely chat with a lady who is an artist πŸ™‹πŸŽ¨.  She paints designs, the printing companies buy them, reproduce them and sell them to designers, who then use them for their collections.  She said she has, on occasion, spotted someone on the street wearing a skirt or top with her original design πŸ’ƒπŸŽ¨.My favourite part was the vintage clothing πŸ‘— section.  So these vintage sellers buy individual pieces, and then sell them on to designers -  Topshop πŸ‘  can buy a vintage garment and either reproduce it exactly, use the pattern or design, or just use it for inspiration.  We had a chat with Samantha at Miniola, who also very kindly allowed me to photograph πŸ“·πŸ’ƒ some of her clothing.  What I find fun about it, is that because the pieces they acquire aren't for your normal vintage retail consumer, they can go a bit off the rail.  There were some truly marvellous items of clothing - I rather wanted to buy some πŸ‘°.It was a very interesting day - and rather makes me want to become a product developer, perhaps for a small company, and take inspiration from all sorts of exciting things.Alice xxxIMG_5263IMG_5222IMG_5218IMG_5234IMG_5230IMG_5231IMG_5238IMG_5242IMG_5246IMG_5252IMG_5258

Cherry Blossom Tuesday

Cherry Blossom Tuesday

Russian Dolls