
Merry Christmas!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas day, and a very Happy Christmas 😘🎁🎄!!I promised a pic of my Christmas outfit and here it is. I may have worn it to almost all Christmas parties this season, so I am sorry if you have seen me in it before now, although I am very happy to have seen you!  The green skirt is from H & M, black polo neck Zara, shoes are from Oasis, and the sparkly necklace was originally attached to a Clements Ribeiro dress I found in TK Maxx.   I often get teased for wearing a uniform of a waisted skirt with a polo neck, and I haven't strayed at all far this year, it's just a lovely combo 😉 😘.Pip, I am sure you will be happy to hear, has also had a very nice day indeed and is currently gently snoozing in the kitchen.  He was very pleased to join in with our Christmas photo earlier ❤️🐶.Alice xxximg_4019

Oh To See A Mountain Covered With A Quilt of Snow

Christmas Gifts