

Emily πŸ™‹

I spent some of Wednesday afternoon at a social media call for the Royal Court's newest play 'Road' 🎭. I had impulsively answered a call out on Instagram the day before, and was invited to come and take pictures πŸ“· of the cast.It's the first time the Royal Court has done something like this, but with my marketing hat on, I considered what a shrewd move it actually is. Free photography, free advertising and a variety of ages and demographics posting about what they had seen - odds are someone was going to see it. Ok so top dog influencers like Zoella weren't amongst us - but I'm willing to bet a couple of my cohorts were keen social media bods with sizeable followings...Not a bad idea?! πŸ‘ŒπŸ»We were shown a snippet of the action taken from the beginning of Act 2, that had not been shown to the press (this made us feel v special) πŸ’πŸΌ. It was also chosen because it showcased most of the cast, to give us a good overview and variety of photo opportunities πŸ“·.The theatres Associate Director, John Tiffany, gave a short introduction to the piece promising music 🎢, movement and most importantly chips 🍟. It did not disappoint. The stellar cast including Faye Marsay (Candice from Fresh Meat) and Michelle Fairley (GOT's Catelyn Stark) brought a fraught energy, with brash characterisations and Lancashire lilts. There was dancing πŸ’ƒ, boozing 🍺, rantingπŸ‘„ and existential musings πŸ‘€(and that was just three minutes).The Royal Court website describes Road as a piece giving 'expression to the inhabitants of an unnamed northern road in Eighties Britain.' Focusing on the impoverished of Lancashire, Cartwright shines light on the effect of the Thatcher government and the deprivation it cased. (One of my social media colleagues did point out how timely this theme appears to be, given our own political vortex).Tiffany brings new life to the play, 30 years after it was originally staged at the Royal Court, harnessing the initial promenade style into a constant flow of energy in the more static stage set up.I may have only seen a snapshot of the play, but it definitely left me thirsty for more. See you there? πŸ‘πŸ»

Emily xxx

Road showing at Royal Court Theatre runs until 9th SeptemberYou can read all about Emily and Olivia's blog take over here.IMG_1869IMG_1856Road
Photos taken by Emily 
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