Olivia 🙋
I think we can all agree that the past year has been one calamity after another - UK voted Brexit, Trump got elected as the US President and countless celebrity deaths... mais désespère pas mes amis - for all is not lost! Times might be tough but get ready for sparkle o'clock!The latest trend to have entered our lives this year and it has had certainly made an impact. Whether it's embroidered, sequinned-clothing, diamond-dusting nails or even sequin-splattered makeup, it is EVERYWHERE. Attention-grabbing, Insta-worthy outfits and makeup have driven normcore (normal looking, plain, unpretentious) steadily off the memo.If you're new to this trend and scared that you may look more like a pre-teen at a disco and less 70s Studio 54 babe, then have no fear, for I am here! Glittery nail varnish & loose glitter pots are a great way to change your look from day to night. For a subtle look, I recommend NYX's pots which are sparkle-heaven, cheap and can be placed into the corner of your eyes for that 'je ne sais quoi'. For those who want to up the ante, I recommend The Gypsy Shrine sequin pots...these larger sequins will definitely get you noticed and turn yourself into a mermaid, unicorn babe. If this hasn't got you running for the hills yet, why not wear a sequin mini dress, pair with a denim jacket and VANS or boots for the 'I have tried but not tried look'.Being a self-confessed sparkle addict and a religious follower to the trend, I thought what better way to continue this self-indulgence than to go somewhere that quite literally only sells sequinned clothing & accessories. Say "hello" to 'Tauras Fashion' - your new best friend. Located in the heart of Marylebone, products range from ties to garters, from matching co-ords to gowns and whether you need it for a festival, or just want to stand out from the crowd, this is the place to shop.After a solid hour of trying on at least half the shop and telling myself that I just won't eat for a few weeks (beauty is pain), I whittled my choices down to two items: a purple, large sequin skirt and top co-ord (for when I am feeling fabulous & obnoxious) and a blue embroidered jersey dress (for when I want to go for the 'I can't be bothered, but actually care' look).
Prices are very reasonable starting at £20.00 and range up to £300.00. If you think about how a sequin crop top at Topshop usually costs about £40.00 this place is great value for money - for not only are they one-of-a-kind (each items differs slightly), but it will be guaranteed that not every teeny-bopper in London will be wearing this label #Win #SparklequeenAfter submitting my credit card into my never-ending Londoner's debt, I went straight home to give myself a little fashion shoot...I would like to reiterate that this was all of course for the sake of this blog post and not a narcissistic, self-indulgent, esteem-rising activity...With my selfie gadget in hand, 'Despacito' blaring in the background and new purchases on, I began to shimmy-shake to my hearts content, imagining for a moment, that I was a contender on BBC's 'Strictly Come Dancing' (yes it is a dream of mine and one I hope to fill).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap9sm36vCZU&feature=youtu.beMy verdict - Sparkle and sequins are good for the soul and give you a self-confidence boost, something we all need from time to time. So ditch your boring, plain wardrobe staples and stand out from the crowd. Shower yourself head-to-toe in shimmer and beam up the room with your light & sparkle...Olivia xxxYou can read all about Emily and Olivia’s blog take over here.
Photos from 'Tauras Fashion' Shop: