Master Of Disguise...
"In the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." (Mean Girls, 2004)
Halloween is also the one night where any fashionista can be extra bold and ridiculous — Zombie Miley Cyrus? Galactic Alien? Totally stylish. Regardless of the choice, personal style always comes in to play. Whilst some girls like to go for the sexy vamp vibes or the babalicious cat woman look, I go more for the 'Let's-see-how-much-of-a-twat-I-can-make-myself-look' kind of vibe - after all, giving yourself total free reign on fancy dress is just that more fun.
Striving to survive my unemployment status, I decided to give myself a little challenge...a twist on the usual Halloween outfit saga...I was not allowed to spend a penny (just call me a money-saving-expert), nor plan in advance. With probably too much time on my hands, I came up with the following:Team: Me, myself & I Time:1 hour Budget: £0.00 Costumes: 3 (1 made) & full make up Photos: 3 per outfitWith only an hour to pull off what I thought was the near-impossible, the outcome was rather entertaining. It's amazing what you can find in your house, or in my case a ridiculously huge fancy dress closet (a result of my sister annihilating, or in her words "spring cleaning" my wardrobe over the Summer) which proved to be very useful...though I must say having so much choice did prove a little difficult, as it meant my options were almost endless and with it being a race against the clock, I did have a minor heart attack.The result: See below and judge for yourself...
3. 90s RAPPER
Whilst I may not be the next winner on 'Project Runway', I did learn some important life skills and lessons:
- Dressing up is all about having fun and not taking yourself too seriously. Don't be afraid to show the world who you are, after all the world would be rather dull if we all looked the same, wouldn't it?!
- If you put your mind to it, anything is possible and I mean anything...
- You don't need to spend money to make an awesome costume - the kitchen, your cupboard, the bathroom - they are all your new best friends!
Olivia xxx