Be My Valentine?

Be My Valentine?


Emily shares her favourite Valentines Cards for V-day 2018...

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Valentine's Day is coming,

And there ain't nothing you can do.

Gasp. Sweat. Horror. Swoon. Panic. Pant. Cringe. Croon.

Whatever your reaction to the ole V-Day - take a moment to step back and appreciate the plethora of amazing (and amusing) cards the season brings us.

A holiday that has been hijacked by Hallmark - it certainly sets the bar high for card makers across the land.

Here is a sweet selection of my favourites:

voldy-1.pngMake it a magic Valentines - We Built This City have the hots for Voldy


beanIf you've ever bean in love - this Etsy gem


swipes-1.pngIf the swipe was right - another Etsy win


cheeseaaIf you love some cheese - did I mention I like Etsy?


scribbeDon't be a couch potato - head to Scribbler 


notonJust Breathe - for Not On The High Street


bomsBombs Away - another Not On The High Street

teresa-1.pngCall me May(be) - Be naughty with We Built This City


Fita For the hottie in your life - Scribbler delivers

melons-1.pngKnow anyone with juicy assets? Paperchase has what you need


lols-1.pngMake an impression - with more Etsy 


lobsterFind your Lobster - with Oliver Bonas 

What ever you want to say this Valentines Day - say with a card.

Love, Emily


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