Hollyhocks in Nettie's Garden

Hollyhocks in Nettie's Garden

Arriving at Nettie’s house in a pretty village in Essex, you are greeted by the most magnificent Hollyhocks, pinks, purples and crimson red, beautifully lining the pathway that leads to the front door. These resplendent plants, which can reach two metres tall, self-seeded many years ago and are still very happily growing in this exact spot, returning summer after summer, blooming in all their glory. Such a beautiful sight! 

On past these giant Alice in Wonderland-esque flowers, and the garden at the back of the house greets you with a sense of quiet and calmness. A green lawn, a cherry tree, neat flower beds arranged with lots of the plants Nettie loves, and an enviable garden studio perfectly balance the space. And, at the end of the garden, tucked around the corner, a little seating area looking out onto the peaceful waters of the brook that runs through Finchingfield.  

We had a wander around the garden, a tomato plant growing with vigour, a favourite eucalyptus, a small fig on it’s way to greatness, and a beautiful red rose climbing. And in the mix pretty clusters of wild flowers, and sculptures thoughtfully arranged throughout the planting.

Sitting for a while in the dappled sunlight, it’s rather a wonderful place, perfect for catching a minute of calm, or enjoying a sunny afternoon.

Nettie is both an artist and a writer, and often creates in her studio in the garden. She has just published her first book Crickets on Cocaine. This collection of eight dark, short stories are about ordinary people, having both ordinary and extraordinary experiences.  It is a compelling and lively read and copies at £11.99 can be ordered through Nettie via her email: If you would like to buy a copy, or find out more, please do let Nettie know!

Alice xx

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