

The second performance by the Islington Choral Society ๐ŸŽถ was in Cordoba, so we all hopped on a bus ๐ŸšŒand off we went for the day.Cordoba was all about the Mezquita ๐Ÿค.  This is a truly splendid building (although you would never know from the outside) and it is technically a mosque-cathedral ๐Ÿ™.  A Christian temple stood on the original site, and in 784 the original structures were demolished and the grand mosque of Cordoba ๐Ÿค was built.  In 1236 when Cordoba returned to Christian rule the building was converted into a Roman Catholic church โ›ช๏ธ and in the 16th century a renaissance cathedral nave was inserted in the centre.When you enter you are confronted by rows and rows of arches in a red and white stripe pattern โšช๏ธ๐Ÿ”ด - the building is square, and the arches seem to go on for ever in certain directions โ†˜๏ธโ†–๏ธ.  However, built into the centre is a cathedral nave โ›ช๏ธ, with an alter and area for the choir ๐Ÿ˜ฏ.  The nave has been built into the original structure of the mosque, so it feels almost as though it could always have been there - it is like a large well lit ๐Ÿ’ก room surrounded by rows and and rows of arches .  There are also side chapels โ›ช๏ธsurrounding the entire building, again built into the arches.  In the arched areas the light is intermittent ๐Ÿ”ฆ- we were there on a beautifully sunny day, and the dark and light give the whole building a rather magical atmosphere๐Ÿ”ฎ.  It is a truly amazing, and no description can match actually being there - there is so much to take in the combination of moorish and christian architecture and decoration is extraordinary.After the Mezquita, we had a quick wander around Cordoba in the sunshine, - they have a courtyard competition ๐Ÿ’which was about to take place, and we spied many well laid out, and decorated courtyards - and then it was time for concert number 2๐ŸŽถ.  The church, Parroquia de San Hipolito, was completely different to the one the night before - very simple with white washed walls and the acoustics were better this time.  Again a full audience ๐Ÿ˜ƒ!Alice xxxPhoto 01-05-2016-14Photo 01-05-2016-3Photo 01-05-2016-4Photo 01-05-2016-6Photo 01-05-2016-9Photo 01-05-2016-2Photo 01-05-2016Photo 01-05-2016-10Photo 01-05-2016-11Photo 01-05-2016-12Photo 01-05-2016-13Photo 01-05-2016-15Photo 01-05-2016-16Photo 01-05-2016-18Photo 01-05-2016-19

Seville - The Last Days

Seville - The Beginning, Real Alcazar

Seville - The Beginning, Real Alcazar