
Seville - The Last Days

After the great success of the choir trip 🎢, we had a couple more days in Seville before Andy joined us.We visited the cathedral β›ͺ️ (the third biggest cathedral in the world) and climbed the Giralda (the bell πŸ”” tower).One thing I haven't mentioned yet is the food 🍝 - we did eat many nice things, and some not so nice - there are so many places selling tapas it can be hard to get it right.  We did have some really excellent food in Pimenton  - the gambas 🍀were particularly good (the ones fried in butter and garlic).We went over to Parque de Maria Luisa 🌳 - and had a look at the Plaza de Espana πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ, it is rather splendid with painted ceramic everything and oh so many tiles β™¦οΈπŸ”·.  Rather than hire a row boat 🚣, we decided to hire one of those cyclo contraptions 🚴- the ones in which multiple people can sit and pedal and it all looks very jolly.  I have a fairly leisurely attitude to transport 🚴, Max likes to go fast 🚡.  The kindly man hiring it out to us immediately pointed Max πŸ‘¦to the driving seat (how did he know) and off we went at a roaring pace 🚡 (I had been envisioning a gentle cycle about the park in the sunshine πŸ‘§, I should have known better).  The boy racer speed culminated in Max deciding to attempt a handbrake turn, because, you know, we were in a means of transport with wheels and a handbrake - and there was no one else on the road.  We didn't die, but we did go up on two wheels 😳 - and afterwards Max did admit that perhaps it had been a little ambitious.....There was some lovely bougainvillea 🌺🌺in the park, which I enjoyed a lot (more than than the near death handbrake turn experience) and we then went over to the Museo Bellas Artes (art museum) 🎨 to have a look at many Zubaran, Murillo and paintings by other spanish artists.  It's a rather beautiful building 🏀 with neatly arranged courtyards and they have AIR CONDITIONING which was very welcome.  You can also get in free if you are part of the European Union and have your passport with you..Seville also has good shopping πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸŽ€ - I would happily go back just to browse the dresses, none of which are too expensive and are all beautifully made in bright jewel colours πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’™.  And I imagine would be the perfect place to have a dress or dresses made for a particular occasion.So having experienced much culture, torn myself away from many dress shops, and survived a terrifying handbrake turn we met up with Andy who was joining us for the rest of the trip.Alice xxxPhoto 03-05-2016-2Photo 02-05-2016-6Photo 02-05-2016Photo 02-05-2016-2Photo 02-05-2016-3Photo 02-05-2016-4Photo 02-05-2016-5Photo 03-05-2016-4Photo 03-05-2016-3 Photo 03-05-2016-7IMG_3102Photo 03-05-2016-6IMG_3095Photo 03-05-2016-8Photo 03-05-2016-9Photo 03-05-2016-10

Onwards - Caminito Del Rey
